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The Magical Mastery of Fabrication (The Noble Art of Making Sh*t UP!)

As I continue on my merry little way, slowly advancing in my career as a music producer, I’ve come to a humbling and comforting realization: nobody really knows what tf they’re doing. We all wear different hats and walk different paths, but at the end of the day, everyone’s just figuring it out as they go. It might look different depending on where you are in your journey, but the truth is, we’re all technically in the same boat. And this isn’t just true in the music industry—it’s true about life in general (Can you tell I've been having major 23-year-old adulting realizations?!?). The Not-Slay Illusion of Certainty When I first started as a wee audio school padawan two years ago, I thought there’d be a moment when it all just clicked. A point where experience, credits, and DAW mastery lined up, and everything made sense. I imagined a magical moment when the mystery of music production would reveal itself to me, and I’d shapeshift into an all-knowing Compressor Goddess. But as tim...

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